Thursday, January 8, 2009

I hate people who takes others for granted, particularly when others care about them. Such un-appreciative notions can be easily seen through lack of effort in REPLYING EMAILS nor even able to spend 3 minutes of their precious time to reply a message or drop A LINE after receiving an email from others just to inform the inconvenience of writing an update to the other person.

I dont like... people who takes me for granted. I dont like people whom i treat as friends to treat me like crap. I just dont think that there is ever a possibility that one cannot find time to inform others that they are busy, and ignore that one email for weeks, while within that weeks of waiting for a reply, several other emails come in to updates and check on the party concerned. I supposed I'm being too emotional on this matter but.. what the heck. At least a reply during christmas or new year from my text would be some sort of acknowledgment. but.. i guess the world does not revolve around ME.

I also didnt like the fact that when I travel, others tag along without helping me PLAN the trip. Even though I have mentioned time and times again, to draft out the itinerary or budget, all i get is.. 'when i have the time'. okayy... when u have the time, read my travel blog adventures then.

I have decided to go on MY OWN backpack trip, and just move along with MY life's plan without these people who just wouldnt help me in realizing a dream instead, just keeping me from living it. So, if u wanna keep dreaming, be my guest. I've got money to save, continent to cross and a world to see. Adventures ahead.. waiting for me. YOU can keep dreaming and stick to your attitude. Just dont stand in my way.

2009 ... it didnt seem to me that it's a good start because i'm so irritable this year. particular at the beginning. oh well.. good or bad, life goes on. i SHALL just continue my life with the good.

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