Saturday, April 12, 2008

My knee cap hurts.


I went for acupuncture last night, and I got poked, 3 needles in each leg and was 'tortured' by that man for half an hour, pushing the needle deeper into my nerves to get the stinging numb sensation.

He said, after listening to my heart beat, taking my blood pressure and looking at my tongue, that even though I'm godzilla sized, my entire internal system is a haywire. The chinese 'doctor' cum acupuncturist asked about my menstrual cycle, constipation and how long have I had this knee problems. All of the answers gave him an impression that I am a screwed up person inside (not to mention, outside too).

According to him, my main problem lies within my kidney and liver functions. The inability to detoxify thus causing a chaos in the regulation of hormones which is probably the main thing that controls the entire body i.e. menstruation, digestion, bone problems and whatever.

Then, as if I haven't been tortured enough being pricked and prodded, my mom added to the fact that my backbone is not straight, after which when he investigated, indeed it is not straight. A condition called scolisis (google it). So, in addition to being pricked and prodded, I was also twisted and bent to slowly get my back straight.

Now, I have a throbbing pain in my back whenever I lift my right arm, and the sudden numbness in my knees when I am trying to stand up. I would love to share the pictures of me being tortured, but my camera failed me at most important time. The pictures I took with my handphone are.. well.. not worth the while.

Other than that, I was told to stay away from 'cold' elements such as water and have been informed (subtly) to stop diving for a while. Are you joking? My next dive trip is in 2 weeks. Then again, I have a full suit, with boots to cover whatever part to prevent 'coldness' getting into my system. So, I will be careful in taking care of myself. I shall bring the luggage bag with all the knee support and life support system. Please let me dive. Pretty please?

I am now at the final stage of confirming the actual amount pending because there were some miscalculation about the course fees, as well as a change in offer for accommodation. Initially, I was offered RM45 per night for the room, and recently RM50. So I wonder if RM45 will still stand. It's RM5 and it's one lunch for me. Dont argue.

I cannot wait to go. The only problem I have right now, is how am I coming back? Of course the same way I'm going but I think I'll reach KL mid morning, which isnt a good thing especially in this neighbourhood. thing is, I dont know the exact time I'll be reaching KL. I guess I should hire a taxi.. can we trust taxis? I dont know. I hope so.

I just want to do something I like and take many pictures to remember the experience...

Taken from Tioman Island

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