Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another day to the auspicious date: 8-8-08.

It's probably also the day I submit my Master's thesis. How exactly do I feel about this? I dont know.

For the past entire week, I was waiting to submit my thesis, supposedly on Tuesday, which I couldnt get my third committee to sign, and postponed to Wednesday, which she wasn't free to see me, and today, which she forgot to bring my thesis along and point to me all my mistakes. Other than that, I supposed I could submit it tomorrow. If all goes well.

So what happens to life after this? Work. Time to earn some money and spend the money I earned. That's life. I've bought flight tickets for the family to go VietNam next year, and as excited as I can be, I need to get over the financial hurdle first.

There are quite a number of things playing in my mind; thesis, replacing my computer, my debts, my loans and my trip to Sipadan this month. I dont know if I should get another spare camera battery or an underwater camera filter. My Paypal account wouldnt cooperate and let me BUY the things i want. The book that I ordered online isnt here and I suspect it got lost or our KASTAM took it to educate their children. God knows. These people really dont respect other people's property. HELLO! I PAID FOR THAT! bastard.

back to life... while i try to SORT out the celestial clashes in the current month, I am currently depressed and have been stuffing my face to fight the 'down' syndrome. I shopped a little.. and bought a ring for the heck of it. I like it a lot though. :) Finally, something to cheer me up.

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